Safety Awareness


Course details

This course is mandatory for all experienced fishermen and covers aspects of how accidents happen, with guidelines on how to prevent them and how to minimise damage and injury when they do happen. Guidance on risk assessment is also included which may help with insurance applications and claims. A risk assessment manual is issued free of charge on the day (subject to availability).

In addition to the four courses required to be completed by new entrants to the industry, all experienced fishermen must complete a Safety Awareness course.

Experienced fishermen as defined in MGN411 are those who have been fishing for two years or more. Seafish allow fishermen with a minimum of six month’s fishing experience to attend Safety Awareness training. 

Seafish on behalf of the MCA will issue a course certificate to those who complete the course successfully.

Upon completion of this course, experienced fishermen are recommended to apply to Seafish for an Experienced Fisherman photo identification card verifying their compliance with this requirement.

The course starts at 8.45am and completes by 4pm.

Course dates & location

1 day